A group of four friends—who call ourselves The Five—Manel, Isidre, Josep Maria, and Pep, embark on a philosophical adventure every year centered around a particular author. We spend several months reading their key works, taking notes, and preparing a presentation that we deliver to the rest of the group in the evening during a trip designed to recreate a chapter from the life of our chosen thinker.
We named ourselves The Five as a nod to the childhood books of British author Enid Blyton, which captivated our imaginations in their time. The fifth member of our group is always one of our dogs—at times, even virtually.

(Photographing Thoughts)
This intellectual curiosity, which retirement has done little to diminish, has taken us to Geneva, Bordeaux, Portbou, Paris, Edinburgh, and Marienbad, to name just a few destinations, following in the footsteps of Rousseau, Montaigne, Walter Benjamin, Hume, Sartre, Barthes, Foucault, and Freud.
The outcome of these journeys often takes the form of a hybrid book that blends journalism, literature, theater, history, and philosophy. Some of our published works include L’illa de Rousseau (Octaedro, 2020), Les Fronteres de Walter Benjamin (Edicions del Bullent, 2021), and Sol de Nit: The Five in Edinburgh with Hume as Host (Pagès, 2024).
This exhibition is a collection of photographs inspired by these intellectual pilgrimages. More than mere documentation, these images aim to immerse the viewer in the enchanting and stimulating atmosphere that these secular journeys have evoked.